
21st international conference will be held at Prague, on May 20-21, 2021

Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing Business Environment

21st international conference will be held at Prague, on May 20-21, 2021

Research by E.Kottika from the Department of Marketing in The Sydney Morning Herald

A study called “We survived this! What managers could learn from SMEs who successfully navigated the Greek economic crisis“, which was published this year in the journal Industrial Marketing Management, has gained international recognition. Its main findings were published in a major Australian newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald. The first author is Efthymia Kottika from […]

Research by E.Kottika from the Department of Marketing in The Sydney Morning Herald

The French Foundation for Management Education’s focus on the research conducted at the Department of Marketing of VŠE

The prestigious French Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE) in collaboration with INSEEC Grande École in Paris created and promoted a video in order to disseminate to both academicians and managers in France and in the rest of Europe, the results of the research conducted at the Department of Marketing of VŠE by Dr Efthymia Kottika. […]

The French Foundation for Management Education’s focus on the research conducted at the Department of Marketing of VŠE

Research project on the students’ attitudes towards electric cars by VŠE and ŠKODA AUTO

The Univesity of Economics in Prague and ŠKODA AUTO collaborated on a research project regarding the exploration of the attitudes of University students in Czech Republic towards sustainability, environmentally friendly/electric cars and ŠKODA AUTO as an employer. Dr Marek Vinš from the Department of Logistics, Dr Efthymia Kottika from the Deparment of Marketing and Dr […]

Research project on the students’ attitudes towards electric cars by VŠE and ŠKODA AUTO

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bács-Kiskun County has been successful in winning funding from the Visegrad Funds, to deliver a 2-day (18thand 19thNovember 2019) event exploring ways to improve the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the Automotive Supply Chains in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Stakeholders from these countries will discuss the main […]

Initiative for the Automotive Supply Chains in Visegrad Group

A new employee from Greece Ethymia Kottika

CV Efthymia Kottika List of Publications

A new employee from Greece Ethymia Kottika

The Centre of Marketing Research and Market Analyses has entered into a partnership with Nielsen Admosphere

The Centre of Marketing Research and Market Analyses which operates within the Faculty of Business Administration and has been founded by the employees of the Department of Marketing has entered into a partnership with the reputable research agency Nielsen Admosphere. One of the outcomes of this partnership will be a periodic research study called Influencer […]

The Centre of Marketing Research and Market Analyses has entered into a partnership with Nielsen Admosphere

Consumer Behavior Intensive Course in Summer Semester

In summer semester Department of Marketing offers one intensive Extra-semestral Course 3MG215 Consumer Behavior Visiting professor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Kraigher-Krainer, Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences, School of Management, Steyr, Austria Date:  June 3 – 7, 2019  Room: RB 207

Consumer Behavior Intensive Course in Summer Semester

New Master Course – Arts Marketing

In Summer semester Department of Marketing introduces new Master course Arts Marketing. The course builds on previous marketing courses and introduces students to strategies using the marketing tools in various fields of culture. The course focuses on the complex nature of marketing topics and trends applicable in culture. The functioning of marketing principles in a specific […]

New Master Course – Arts Marketing